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We offer a number of different strategies, including:

     • Live Auctions
     • Online Auctions
     • Sealed Bid Sales
     • Conventional Brokerage Services


Our clients include:

     • Insolvency professionals
     • Trustees and Receivers
     • Fiduciaries
     • National, regional and local lenders
     • Government agencies and municipalities
     • Corporations
     • Private parties


Our system offers sellers the benefits of our national reach and extensive experience, as well as local market knowledge in communities across the country.

ASG’s sophisticated and effective marketing program, specifically designed for each seller’s individual property, includes the most advanced online marketing techniques to provide the best possible results, in the shortest possible time.


Our experts thoroughly research the property and surrounding areas and conduct an extensive market area review. This includes a review of general economic conditions and trends and prospects for long term area growth; a review of the title reports, appraisals, government regulations and zoning; a report on comparable sales; and a review of
previous marketing efforts. Based on this research and our expertise with all different property types, we develop a strategy that will bring the maximum value to our client.

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